Having trouble logging in?
Here's some advice on what to do...
I've forgotten my password
Please reset your password using the button below. Note that if you have multiple Tapestry accounts
linked to your email address you will be sent one password reset link per account. The reset password
email will tell you which account the link is for.
I'm trying to login for the first time
The staff at your school, setting, or childminder may have created your account but not yet activated
it, or made a mistake in entering your email address. Please get in touch with them.
I saw an activation link for this account but it expired before I could use it
Please get in touch with the staff at your school, setting, or childminder. A manager there will be able
to send you a new activation link.
I've logged in before but now it's not working
First try resetting your password using the button above. If that doesn't work it may be that your
account has been made inactive. This is most likely to have happened if you (if you are a staff member)
or your child (if you are a parent) has now left the school, setting, or childminder who the account is
for. Please speak to the staff at your school, setting or childminders. They will be able to check the
status of your account.
I have accounts at more than one setting
When you login to the browser version of Tapestry or on the newer versions of our app you may see a list
of accounts linked to your email address. You can click on each of them and be logged in if the password
you entered is correct for that account. However, if one of those linked accounts has a different
password to the one you entered, you will need to put in your login details again with the correct
password to access the account.
If you are using our old app you will have to have a different password for each Tapestry account.
The old app will log you into whichever one matches the email and password you provide.
If you're not sure why the password you're trying isn't working, first try resetting it using the button
above. If that doesn't work, please get in touch with the staff at the school, setting, or childminders
that you're trying to login to.
I've entered the wrong password too many times and been locked out
Please wait 15 minutes and then have another go.
If you're still unable to login, please try using the password reset button above to reset your password.
If you are a parent or relative trying to login to see your child's journal, please get in touch with
your child's teacher/childminder. They will be able to see the status of your account and spot anything
that might be causing you problems.
If you are a staff member and you know there is an active manager on the Tapestry account, please speak
to them. They will be able to help you regain access.
If you are the only manager on the account and you cannot login, please get in touch with us by emailing
customer.service@eyfs.info from the email address you
are trying to login with.
{"messages":{"message.schedule_activity":"Schedule Activity|Schedule Activities","message.schedule_activity_non_future_confirmation":"The date of this activity is not set in the future. Scheduling it will cause it to be published to staff and relatives as soon as possible. If you want to schedule this activity in the future, click 'Cancel' and change its date, otherwise click 'OK'.","message.with_observation":"With 1 observation|With %count% observations","message.with_relative":"With 1 relative|With %count% relatives","message.with_staff":"With 1 staff|With %count% staff","message.with_child":"With 1 child|With %count% children","message.with_download":"With 1 download|With %count% downloads","message.with_report":"With 1 report|With %count% reports","message.with_reflective_question":"With 1 question|With %count% questions","message.n_selected":"1 Selected|%count% Selected","download.delete_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete these downloads?","download.exported_for_staff_and_unavailable_to_all_relatives":"The selected files were exported for staff and cannot be made available to relatives.","download.already_downloadable_by_relatives":"The selected files can already be downloaded by relatives.","download.no_changes_as_staff_only_and_available_to_relative_mix":"Some of the selected files were exported for staff and cannot be made available to relatives and the other selected files can already be downloaded by relatives.","download.enable_download_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to enable downloads for 1 download?|Are you sure you want to enable downloads for %count% downloads?","download.some_already_available_for_download":"Some of the selected files have already been made available for download.","download.enable_remaining_download_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to enable downloads for the %count% remaining download?|Are you sure you want to enable downloads for the %count% remaining downloads?","download.n_downloads_with_staff_as_recipient":"%staff_as_recipient_count% out of these %download_item_count% downloads have been exported with staff as the recipient.","download.n_downloads_with_relative_as_recipients_and_relative_transition":"%relative_as_recipient_count% out of these %download_item_count% downloads have been exported with relatives as the recipient with %already_available_for_relative_download_count% already being available for download.","download.n_downloads_with_relative_as_recipients":"%relative_as_recipient_count% out of these %download_item_count% downloads have been exported with relatives as the recipient.","download.cannot_enable_relative_download_when_staff_are_recipient":"It is not possible to enable relatives to download anything exported for staff.","download.enable_relative_downloads_for_relative_recipients_confirmation":"Would you like to enable relatives to download the journals that have been exported for relatives?","download.relative_restriction_inapplicable":"The selected files were exported for staff so relative restriction cannot be applied.","download.already_inaccessible_to_relatives":"The selected files are already inaccessible to relatives.","download.staff_recipients_or_already_inaccessible_to_relatives":"Some of the selected files were exported for staff and the other selected files are already inaccessible to relatives.","download.disable_download_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to disable downloads for 1 download?|Are you sure you want to disable downloads for %count% downloads?","download.some_already_inaccessible_to_relatives":"Some of the selected files are already inaccessible to relatives.","download.restrict_remaining_download_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to restrict access to the %count% remaining download?|Are you sure you want to restrict access to the %count% remaining downloads?","download.relative_restriction_confirmation":"Would you like to restrict relative access to download the journals that have been exported for relatives?","download.enable_downloads_for_recipient_name":"Are you sure you want to enable downloads for %recipient_name%?","download.disable_downloads_for_recipient":"Are you sure you want to disable downloads for %recipient_name%?","flash.successfully_updated_reflection":"Changes saved","message.edited_with_datetime":"Edited %date_time%","flash.unexpected_error":"We encountered an error while processing your request. Please try again. If the issue persists, please contact support.","flash.ks_year_change_missing_config":"The date could not be changed because the KS tier configuration for the chosen year was not available.","flash.ks_year_change_missing_tier":"The date could not be changed because the tier \"%tier%\" does not exist in the tier configuration for the year %year%.","message.uploader_logged_out":"Sorry, it appears you are no longer logged in. Please refresh and try again.","word.image_file":"Image File|Image Files","word.video_file":"Video File|Video Files","word.document_file":"Document File|Document Files","message.internet_connection_problem":"Internet connection problem","attributes.first_aider":"First aider|First aiders","message.edited_comment_without_saving":"You were writing a comment but didn't save your changes","message.restoration_confirmation":"Would you like to continue where you left off?","message.form_save_error":"Save Error: %error%","word.saving":"Saving","message.split_request_timed_out":"Request timed out. The split may or may not have succeeded, please refresh the page to check. ","message.schedule_observation":"Schedule Observation|Schedule Observations","message.schedule_observation_non_future_confirmation":"The date of this observation is not set in the future. Scheduling it will cause it to be added to the journal as soon as possible. If you want to schedule this observation in the future, click 'Cancel' and change its date, otherwise click 'OK'.","message.edited_observation_without_saving":"You were previously editing this observation but didn't save your changes","message.started_creating_observation":"You were previously creating an observation but didn't save your changes","info.proxy_detected_observation_saving_error":"Unfortunately there was an issue saving the observation. It may be the case that your school has a proxy server or firewall that prevents access to particular websites. <br>If possible, can you, or your IT support, check your proxy server\/firewall and whitelist: https:\/\/tapestryjournal.com. <br>We have a connection test that can help verify this: https:\/\/tapestryjournal.com\/test.html. <br>The Tapestry apps will try and contact the same domains, so please make sure any tablets or phones are configured to allow access to those domains as well. If that isn't it, please contact support@eyfs.info and we will investigate further.","info.unknown_observation_saving_error":"Unfortunately there was an issue saving the observation. It may be the case that your school has a proxy server or firewall that prevents access to particular websites. <br>If possible, can you, or your IT support, check your proxy server\/firewall and whitelist: https:\/\/tapestryjournal.com. <br>We have a connection test that can help verify this: https:\/\/tapestryjournal.com\/test.html. <br>The Tapestry apps will try and contact the same domains, so please make sure any tablets or phones are configured to allow access to those domains as well. If that isn't it, please contact support@eyfs.info and we will investigate further. <br>If the issue persists, please contact support and provide the following information","message.obs_delete_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete the selected observations?","message.obs_hard_delete_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected observations?","message.child_selected":"Child Selected|Children Selected","action.deselect_all":"Deselect All","action.select_all":"Select all","word.pin":"PIN|PINs","attributes.password":"Password","flash.upload_error_with_code_and_message":"Upload failed with code %code% - %message%","validation.upload.max_file_limit":"Sorry but you cannot upload more than %max% files at once","flash.unknown_upload_error":"Tapestry encountered an unknown error with your upload","flash.upload_mangled_in_transit":"The request got mangled in transit.","flash.response_code.401":"One of the computers en-route (perhaps your proxy or internet filter?) required authorisation from you.","flash.response_code.504":"The file took too long to upload, so one of the computers en-route gave up.","flash.response_code.413":"A computer en-route thought the file was too big (perhaps your proxy or internet filter?).","flash.response_code.429":"Too many messages have been received at once from the same spot.","flash.response_code.500":"The Tapestry server malfunctioned.","flash.response_code.503":"One of the computers en-route is unavailable.","flash.verbose_upload_error_with_code_and_message":"There was a problem en-route to Tapestry which caused your upload to fail. Another computer reported an http error code of %code%. %message%","flash.upload.cannot_access":"Tapestry was unable to access the file you selected to upload","flash.upload.initialisation_error":"Tapestry was unable to initialise the uploader","validation.upload_zero_size_firefox_android":"The file you selected was empty. If you are using Firefox on Android, please try selecting one file at a time.","validation.upload_zero_size":"The file you selected was empty","validation.upload.too_big":"The file you selected was too large to be uploaded. The limit is %limit%.","flash.uploaded_file_in_wrong_format":"The file you selected was in an invalid format","flash.unable_to_process_uploaded_image":"Tapestry was unable to process the image file you selected","word.attempts_remaining":"%count% attempt remaining|%count% attempts remaining","message.confirm_proceed_to_account":"<p>Please note that although you can go to your Tapestry account, you will only have access to children for whom you have been verified.<\/p><p>Are you sure you want to proceed to your account?<\/p>","care_diary.message.care_diary_confirmation_message":"Please note that enabling this feature will move 'Accidents' to the 'Care Diary'. The navigation label 'Accidents' at the top of the page will also change to 'Care Diary'. You will have access to other entry types such as drinks, food, sleep and toileting, as well as accidents. Are you sure you wish to proceed?","validation.first_name.required":"You must enter a first name","validation.last_name.required":"You must enter a last name","validation.dob.required":"You must enter a date of birth","message.profile_photo_added_but_not_uploaded":"You have selected a new profile photo but not uploaded it. Please either click to upload or remove.","message.name_changed":"Name Changed","info.child_name_change_warning":"It looks like you're renaming this child. If you're just fixing a typo, that's fine. <strong>If you're trying to reuse the profile for a different child, we strongly recommend against doing so as there are safeguarding risks.<\/strong> Instead, you should add a new profile for the new child. If you have run out of spaces for new children, you need to either delete\/make unused profiles inactive or change your subscription.","message.journal_export_assessments_not_visible_to_relatives_confirmation":"You have selected to include assessments that are not visible to relatives in observations. If selected, the relatives will be able to see the assessments. Are you sure you want to continue?","action.make_child_active":"Make Child Active|Make Children Active","message.child_enrolling_to_active_confirmation":"This child is currently enrolling. After you make them active, you will not be able to return them to enrolling. Are you sure you want make them active?","message.people_merge_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to merge?","flash.zipped_media_must_include_media_type_audio":"You must select to include at least one of photos, videos, documents and audio","flash.zipped_media_must_include_media_type":"You must select to include at least one of photos, videos and documents","message.cancel_import_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to cancel this import?","message.enter_label_for_custom_field":"Enter the label for your new custom field","message.editing_custom_field_label":"Editing custom field label","message.not_saved":"Not Saved","message.delete_custom_field_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to delete this field?","message.how_do_they":"How do they","action.add_next_step":"Add next step","message.click_here_to_add_next_step":"Click here to add a next step.","message.click_to_remove_next_step":"Click to remove next step.","message.click_to_edit_next_step":"Click to edit next step.","message.increase_tier_confirmation":"If you increase the number of tiers and then make assessments using those higher tiers, you will not be able to reduce the number of tiers until the next school year.","message.increase_refinement_confirmation":"If you increase the number of refinements and then make assessments using those higher refinements, you will not be able to reduce the number of refinements until the next school year.","validation.custom_password_policy.minimum_length.whole_number_in_range":"Minimum length must be a number between %minimum% and %maximum% (inclusive). Note that decimals are not allowed.","validation.custom_password_policy.minimum_lower_case_letters.whole_number_in_range":"Minimum lower case letters must be a number between %minimum% and %maximum% (inclusive). Note that decimals are not allowed.","validation.custom_password_policy.minimum_upper_case_letters.whole_number_in_range":"Minimum upper case letters must be a number between %minimum% and %maximum% (inclusive). Note that decimals are not allowed.","validation.custom_password_policy.minimum_digits.whole_number_in_range":"Minimum digits must be a number between %minimum% and %maximum% (inclusive). Note that decimals are not allowed.","validation.custom_password_policy.minimum_symbols.whole_number_in_range":"Minimum symbols must be a number between %minimum% and %maximum% (inclusive). Note that decimals are not allowed.","message.reset_notification_preferences_for_all_users":"Are you sure you want to reset notifications for all users?","message.reset_notification_preferences_for_all_staff":"Are you sure you want to reset notifications for all staff?","message.reset_notification_preferences_for_managers":"Are you sure you want to reset notifications for managers?","message.reset_notification_preferences_for_full_staff":"Are you sure you want to reset notifications for full staff?","message.reset_notification_preferences_for_relatives":"Are you sure you want to reset notifications for relatives?","message.school_logo_added_but_not_uploaded":"You have selected a new logo but not uploaded it. Please either click to upload or remove.","message.enable_eyfsp_snapshot_confirmation":"Turning on the EYFSP snapshot will add the cohort, Unique Pupil Number (UPN) and post code fields to the add\/edit child form, as this information is required by the EYFSP. Are you sure you want to turn it on and add these fields?","word.january_abbreviation":"Jan","word.february_abbreviation":"Feb","word.march_abbreviation":"Mar","word.april_abbreviation":"Apr","word.may_abbreviation":"May","word.june_abbreviation":"Jun","word.july_abbreviation":"Jul","word.august_abbreviation":"Aug","word.september_abbreviation":"Sep","word.october_abbreviation":"Oct","word.november_abbreviation":"Nov","word.december_abbreviation":"Dec","word.name":"Name","action.add_assessment_period":"Add Period","action.set_default_assessment_periods":"Set Defaults","message.cannot_remove_last_period":"You cannot remove the last period","message.please_enter_name_of_period":"Please enter a name for the period","word.base":"Base","word.bass":"Bass","validation.assessment_period_name.required":"Every assessment period needs a name","message.disable_verification_warning":"<p>You are attempting to disable the 'Relative Verification' feature whilst there are 11 verifications in progress. Please note that if you disable this feature, those 11 relatives who have not yet been verified will not be granted access to the children. Also note that the links will disappear, so, if you wish for the relatives to have access to these children in the future, you will need to link the children to their relatives again through '<a href='%manage_relatives_url%' target='_blank' >Manage Relatives<\/a>'. Likewise, if you turn the function back on, all original links and verification requests will reappear, unless the children have already been manually associated with their relatives.<\/p> <p>If you are happy to proceed with disabling this feature, click 'OK' and remember to save your changes.<\/p>","message.user_activation_pin":"Manually enter the PIN and make active immediately","message.user_activation_manual":"Manually enter the password and make active immediately","message.staff_pin_help":"Enter a 4 digit PIN that this staff member can use to quickly log in on the Tapestry App and from the switch accounts section on the web","message.staff_pin_help_has_password":"Enter a 4 digit PIN that this staff member can use to quickly log in on the Tapestry App","message.imported_users_confirm_activate_by_email":"Are you sure you want to activate all users by email?","message.imported_users_confirm_activate_by_links":"Are you sure you want to activate all users by generating activation links?","message.imported_users_confirm_activate_by_generated_pin_pass":"Are you sure you want to activate all users by generating passwords and PINs?","message.import_users_still_duplicates":"There are still duplicate users","message.import_users_still_unsubscribed":"There are still unsubscribed users","word.trailing":"Trailing","word.satisfactory":"Satisfactory","word.good":"Good","message.confirm_delete_notice_permanently":"Are you sure you want to permanently delete this memo?","message.confirm_delete_notice":"Are you sure you want to delete this memo?","message.schedule_notice_for_relatives":"Schedule Memo for Relatives|Schedule Memos for Relatives","message.schedule_notice_non_future_confirmation":"The date of this memo is not set in the future. Scheduling it will cause it to be published as soon as possible. If you want to schedule this memo in the future, click 'Cancel' and change its date, otherwise click 'OK'.","message.continue_editing_autosaved_notice_prompt":"You were previously editing this memo but didn't save your changes. Would you like to continue where you left off?","message.continue_adding_autosaved_notice_prompt":"You were previously creating a memo but didn't save your changes. Would you like to continue where you left off?","flash.generic_javascript_error":"Something went wrong on this page so you may find that it doesn't work properly. This problem has been reported to the Tapestry team.","info.error_loading_assessment":"We encountered an error loading the assessment \"%assessment%\"","punctuation.full_stop":". ","info.url_blocked_by_content_filter":"It looks like it was blocked by a content filter. Please contact your IT team and request the following URL is whitelisted: %url%","info.cant_save_observation":"Please note that you won't be able to save your observation","message.reload_page":"Reload the page?","message.are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_this_comment":"Are you sure you want to delete this comment?","message.edited_reflection_without_saving":"You were previously editing this reflection but didn't save your changes","message.started_creating_reflection":"You were previously creating a reflection but didn't save your changes","message.change_reflection_status_confirmation":"Are you sure you want to change the status of this reflection?","message.are_you_sure_you_want_to_remove_this_flag":"Are you sure you want to remove this flag?","flash.snapshot_changes_saved":"Changes saved","flash.snapshot_changes_not_saved":"Could not save snapshot","message.no_children_selected":"No child selected|No children selected","info.click_to_add_children":"Click to add children","word.child":"Child|Children","message.tracking_assessment_count_period_n":"Period %number%","word.period":"Period|Periods","title.delete_file":"Delete File|Delete Files","message.are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_these_files":"Are you sure you want to delete this file?|Are you sure you want to delete these files?","action.confirm_deletion":"Confirm Deletion","flash.successfully_deleted_bulk_files":"Successfully deleted file | Successfully deleted %count% files","flash.unable_to_bulk_delete_files":"Unable to delete file | Unable to delete %count% files","action.delete_folder":"Delete Folder","info.you_are_deleting_the_folder_titled":"You are deleting the folder titled \"%folder%\"","message.files_contained_in_folder":"With the files currently contained within this folder:","action.move_folder_contents":"Move folder contents","action.delete_folder_contents":"Delete folder contents","message.select_destination_folder_before_deletion":"Where should the files in this folder be moved to?","message.destination_folder":"Destination Folder","info.select_destination_folder":"Select Destination Folder","flash.unable_to_move_files_into_folder":"Unable to move file into %destination_folder% | Unable to move %count% files into %destination_folder%","message.file_in_folder_name":"in %folder_name%","action.deselect":"Deselect","action.restore_previous_version":"Restore previous version","info.current_version":"Current Version","word.updated":"Updated","message.version_from":"Version from","info.uploaded_file":"Uploaded file","action.download":"Download","message.this_new_version_included_a_new_upload":"This new version included a new upload","word.description":"Description","action.restore_back_to_this_version":"Restore back to this version","info.this_is_the_current_version":"This is the current version","action.earlier_version":"Earlier version","action.list_all_versions":"List all versions","action.later_version":"Later version","message.there_was_an_error_restoring_the_file":"There was an error restoring the file.","action.retry":"Retry","message.click_a_file_version_below_to_view_more_details_before":"Click a file version below to view more details before restoring it","word.version":"Version|Versions","word.title":"Title|Titles","word.filename":"Filename|Filenames","action.more_details":"More Details","message.there_was_an_error_loading_the_previous_file_versions":"There was an error loading the previous file versions.","flash.successfully_restored_file_version":"Successfully restored file version","word.document":"Document|Documents","word.search":"Search|Searches","title.files_folder":"Folder: %title%","title.files_searching":"Searching for \"%query%\"","title.all_files":"All Files","action.files_add_file":"Add File","action.filter_and_sort":"Filter & Sort","action.sort_files":"Sort","action.edit":"Edit","action.move":"Move","action.restore":"Restore","action.delete":"Delete","message.files_file_size":"Size: %size%","message.files_file_type":"Type: %type%","message.files_last_updated":"Last Updated: %date%","word.deleted_files":"Deleted","info.passed_antivirus_scan":"Passed Antivirus scan","info.files_not_shared_with_relatives":"Not shared with relatives","info.files_shared_with_staff_and_all_relatives":"Shared with staff and all relatives","message.with_selected_premise":"With","message.with_selected_sentence_end":"Selected","action.files_move_into_folder":"Move into Folder","message.files_none_found":"No files found","info.failed_antivirus_scan":"Failed Antivirus scan","info.pending_antivirus_scan":"Pending Antivirus scan","info.awaiting_upload_processing":"Awaiting Upload Processing","flash.unknown_error":"Unknown error","info.issue_uploading":"Issue uploading","info.unsupported_file_type":"Unsupported file type","message.file_status":"File status","info.file_shared":"Shared","info.file_sort":"Sort order","info.file_deletion_status_deleted_only":"Deleted only","info.file_shared_only_shared":"Shared only","sorting.files.alphabetical_ascending":"Z-A","sorting.files.alphabetical_descending":"A-Z","message.files_sort":"Sort: %sort%","action.files_select_type":"Select: %select_type%","title.files_folder_label":"Folder: %title%","info.file_deletion_status_all_except_deleted":"All except deleted","word.all":"All","info.file_shared_only_unshared":"Unshared only","action.submit":"Submit","word.folder":"Folder|Folders","action.files_add_folder":"Add Folder","message.files_no_folders_found":"No folders found","flash.file_not_found":"We're unable to find that file","title.files_add_file":"Add File","title.files_editing_file":"Editing File: %title%","word.issue":"Issue|Issues","validation.no_file_selected__please_select_a_file":"No file selected - Please select a file","message.file_title":"Title","message.file_description":"Description","info.maximum_characters":"Maximum length is %limit% characters","validation.no_folder_selected__please_select_the_folder_where_you":"No folder selected - Please select the folder where you would like to place this file","message.file_folder":"Folder","info.please_select_a_folder_for_this_file":"Please select a folder for this file","message.who_can_see_this_document":"Who can see this document","message.file_permission_staff_only":"Staff only","message.file_permission_staff_and_all_relatives":"Staff and all relatives","message.file_permission_staff_and_some_relatives":"Staff and relatives of certain children","message.files_you_do_not_have_permission_to_manage":"You do not have permission to manage files","message.session_expired_please_retry":"Your session has expired. Please try saving again.","message.files_finishing_upload":"Finishing upload...","action.save":"Save","title.files_add_folder":"Add Folder","title.files_edit_folder_title":"Edit Folder: %title%","title.move_file":"Move File|Move Files","message.please_select_which_folder_you_would_like_to_move_these":"Please select which folder you would like to move this file into|Please select which folder you would like to move these files into","message.files_you_must_select_a_folder":"You must select a folder","flash.successfully_moved_files_into_folder":"Successfully moved file into %destination_folder% | Successfully moved %count% files into %destination_folder%","action.view_tutorial":"View Tutorial","message.files_search_placeholder":"Search files...","title.select_children":"Select Children","message.child_searchbox_hint_text":"Search by Name, Date of Birth (day or year first) or UPN","word.child_group":"Group|Groups","word.cohort":"Cohort|Cohorts","word.selected":"Selected","info.currently_selected_files":"Currently Selected File|Currently Selected Files","word.file":"File|Files","action.cancel":"Cancel","action.change_file":"Change","action.select_file":"Select File","message.files_status_uploading_file":"Uploading File","message.files_status_uploaded_file":"Uploaded File","message.files_status_existing_file":"Existing File","info.file_being_processed":"File being processed...","message.files_no_file_selected_for_upload":"No file selected for upload","message.logged_out_please_log_in_and_retry":"Your session expired. Please log in and then press retry.","title.files_edit_file":"Edit File","title.files_view_folder":"View Folder","title.files_search":"Search Files","word.all_of_the_items":"All","word.none_of_the_items":"None","word.some_of_the_items":"Some","sorting.files.recently_updated":"Recently Updated","word.bespoke_flag_set.confirm_discard_word":"discard","message.flag_settings_saved":"Flag settings saved","message.flag_settings_confirm_enable_for_area":"Would you like to enable all flag sets in this area?","message.flag_settings_disable_for_area":"Disable flag sets in area","message.flag_settings_confirm_disable_for_area":"Are you sure you want to disable all flag sets in this area?"}}